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Social ILLs
A) ~ Solutions/Resolution (along lines similar to the management of Medical Disorders by the Health Professionals)
1 Immediate relief/help (e.g. Soup Kitchens, Homeless Shelters..)
2 Long term solutions - Find root causes and implement right kind of GRASS ROOTS actions that establish a new order (replacing a chronic state of DISORDER! )
3 Change through PEACEFUL, COOPERATIVE movements led by a new type of CONSENSUS-building LEADERSHIP
4 Working in tandem with governments at every level
5 Invite suggestions/comments for practical solutions to common social ills
6 Consolidate, share and learn from the existing good projects which have devised new effective REMEDIES
7 Apply these useful experiences to all the new projects
B) ~ One important PROJECT (By way of example) :
In an advanced country like America( w/ its Information Age advantage ) --->>
Modern, small-scale, local outfits for simple, everyday CONSUMER GOODS( "COTTAGE INDUSTRIES" ) ~~
...like clothes, shoes, furniture, nutritious snacks, produce from neighborhood vegetable gardens, etc
1 HELP from
a) Government subsidies
b) General foundations
c) "TRUSTEESHIP funds" created and managed by the rich, compassionate individuals. These good Samaritans instinctively believe in acting as people's guardians and TRUSTEES. Unlike some self-absorbed individuals, they appreciate the part played by their fellowmen/women in their lives.
2 Training of Community leaders and business coordinators
3 Distribution Channels
a) Co-op stores
b) Established retailers like Walmart, Amazon.... (Guidance, support, encouragement...)
4 Support of local community organizations
5 Comments, suggestions from trained Social Workers, community organizers, Chambers of commerce/business community, retired managers, economists, sociologists, psychologists, professionals, academics, foundations, unions, retired government officials/politicians, retired police and military officers, religious organizations......
6 Regular, frequent TOWN HALL meetings of local citizens, including youth and elders ( ~~establishing a parallel TOWN HALL government?! )
Impact of "Dynamic, Soothing" Expressions symbolizing
Hope & Progress ( also good for TWITTERIAN Expressions/"Impressions"! ) :
GRASS ROOTS - SOLUTIONS - - PEACEFUL, COOPERATIVE steps - REMEDIES - PROJECTs - COTTAGE INDUSTRIES(Local, cooperative, small-scale, manufacturing businesses) - HELP - TRUSTEESHIP - TOWN HALL MEETINGS - Last but not least; Supportive, PARALLEL GOVERNMENT!:)
Urgent NEED of the hour --->> ACTION rather than words!
What say you? ?.!.! |:-}.
Social ILLs
A) ~ Solutions/Resolution (along lines similar to the management of Medical Disorders by the Health Professionals)
1 Immediate relief/help (e.g. Soup Kitchens, Homeless Shelters..)
2 Long term solutions - Find root causes and implement right kind of GRASS ROOTS actions that establish a new order (replacing a chronic state of DISORDER! )
3 Change through PEACEFUL, COOPERATIVE movements led by a new type of CONSENSUS-building LEADERSHIP
4 Working in tandem with governments at every level
5 Invite suggestions/comments for practical solutions to common social ills
6 Consolidate, share and learn from the existing good projects which have devised new effective REMEDIES
7 Apply these useful experiences to all the new projects
B) ~ One important PROJECT (By way of example) :
In an advanced country like America( w/ its Information Age advantage ) --->>
Modern, small-scale, local outfits for simple, everyday CONSUMER GOODS( "COTTAGE INDUSTRIES" ) ~~
...like clothes, shoes, furniture, nutritious snacks, produce from neighborhood vegetable gardens, etc
1 HELP from
a) Government subsidies
b) General foundations
c) "TRUSTEESHIP funds" created and managed by the rich, compassionate individuals. These good Samaritans instinctively believe in acting as people's guardians and TRUSTEES. Unlike some self-absorbed individuals, they appreciate the part played by their fellowmen/women in their lives.
2 Training of Community leaders and business coordinators
3 Distribution Channels
a) Co-op stores
b) Established retailers like Walmart, Amazon.... (Guidance, support, encouragement...)
4 Support of local community organizations
5 Comments, suggestions from trained Social Workers, community organizers, Chambers of commerce/business community, retired managers, economists, sociologists, psychologists, professionals, academics, foundations, unions, retired government officials/politicians, retired police and military officers, religious organizations......
6 Regular, frequent TOWN HALL meetings of local citizens, including youth and elders ( ~~establishing a parallel TOWN HALL government?! )
Impact of "Dynamic, Soothing" Expressions symbolizing
Hope & Progress ( also good for TWITTERIAN Expressions/"Impressions"! ) :
GRASS ROOTS - SOLUTIONS - - PEACEFUL, COOPERATIVE steps - REMEDIES - PROJECTs - COTTAGE INDUSTRIES(Local, cooperative, small-scale, manufacturing businesses) - HELP - TRUSTEESHIP - TOWN HALL MEETINGS - Last but not least; Supportive, PARALLEL GOVERNMENT!:)
Urgent NEED of the hour --->> ACTION rather than words!
What say you? ?.!.! |:-}.